Hurricane Harvey Documentary by Max Olson and Donation/Volunteer Opportunities

As many of you know Hurricane Harvey was the first major hurricane of Category 4 status to strike the US mainland. In fact it was the first category 4 storm to hit The Lone Star State since 1961. Harvey has left catastrophic damages to the greater southeast Texas region. the following are a couple short documentary videos highlighting Hurricane Harvey.
Max Olson is a storm chaser of more than 10 years. He, along with many others went down to Texas to document Hurricane Harvey. Max shares his story and the video really speaks for the hurricane.
“It’s hard to put into words what is like to experience a Category 4 for your first hurricane, so I won’t. Video has always my way of expressing my adventures. For this documentary style edit I tried to let the footage speak for itself, this is raw, uncensored video of what it was like in Rockport, TX on August 25, 2017”. -Max Olson
We at Extreme Weather Videos will continue to raise support for organizations like the Red Cross and Samaritans Purse Disaster Relief. Watch the video and please donate what you can. Organizations also desperately need volunteers to go down and assist with cleanup and recovery. FEMA is looking to bring on 2,000+ personnel to assist and Samaritan’s Purse is taking applications here.
We also had this short video sent in to us by Kevin Hayden, a member of our EWV Live Network. Kevin is a resident from the Houston, Texas area. His video shows some of the devastation from the floods in the Houston, TX area and water rescues that have taken place. Hurricane Harvey is going to be most likely one of the top 5 costliest natural disasters to strike the United States.
Related Images:
Harvey Houston FLood Hurricane Hurricane Harrvey 2017 Hurricane HArvey texas Texas Flood