Perseid Meteor Shower Incoming!

Astronomers are saying that this years Perseid Meteor Shower could be twice as many meteors as usual during the peak time on August 11th – August 12th. Stargazers could see up to 200 meteors and hour during what Astronomers are calling an “outburst”.
The Perseid Meteors are named after the Perseus constellation, which is where the meteors appear to come from in the night time skies. The Perseids are one of the best meteor showers of the year and usually produce up to 60 meteors per hour, however, Astronomers are predicting twice as many during this years peak. Astronomer, Steve Bowden says “The meteors are part of comet Swift-Tuttle, which was discovered in 1862 but sadly, will not make another appearance until 2126.”
If you want to see the Perseid Meteor Shower, it is advised to find a dark location away from the glare of city lights or traffic. Usually a park or dark country road works best. Most times you can see the meteors with your own eyes, but sometimes a telescope works best. Also, make sure to give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness, after driving in a car to the perfect spot, you still have the glare of oncoming traffic, city lights and dashboard lights, so give your eyes time to adjust. Take a blanket, lawn chair, heck, why not even take a little basket with snacks and go out and enjoy the sights of the night time sky filled with the Perseid Meteors