Welcome To the Site!

First of all I want to personally thank-you for visiting! I appreciate your patience as I have been working on developing the new website. I am pleased with the way it has turned out and know you will be as well! We have made some great improvements to the site. I hope that you find the site easy to navigate and find exactly what you are looking for. I would like to let you know about a few of the changes. Our radar software has been updated so navigating the radar page will be different from what you were accustomed to. It still offers the great products that is always has. We also are going to be greatly expanding our weather data center including adding access to various computer models for some of our storm chasers and meteorologists that access the site. Our video library collection has also been nicely arranged by category. More videos will be added. I am planing to post my very own weather briefing videos this year so be on the lookout for some of those. I really would like to get your feedback and comments on the new website so please, please leave a comment below and tell me what you like and even what you may not like. Suggestions are always welcome! I want this website to become yours. We want to be a place that helps to build strong friendships and a professional network among fellow meteorologists, storm chasers, weather spotters, and all enthusiasts! May God bless Extreme Weather Videos!