Tropical Storm Ana, Season’s First, Targeting the Carolina’s

NHC has officially called Ana a Tropical Storm. Previously it was considered subtropical but since has taken on tropical characteristics. As of the 11AM advisory Ana has winds of 60mph, pressure of 1001mb, and is moving to the NW at 3mph. It should come ashore near the North/South Carolina boarder around 8am tomorrow. Here is the latest official forecast track:
The primary threat that Ana will bring will be some strong winds and a good amount of heavy rainfall which could cause some flooding.
It isn’t very common to have the season’s first storm this early in May but it does happen. The hurricane season officially runs from June 1 through November 30.
Tropical Storm Watches are outlines in yellow and warnings in blue. It will be interesting to see how this upcoming season pans out. There has been a lot of talk about how there has been a “drought” of major landfalling hurricanes on US soil. The last time a major hurricane hit was actually back in 2005, which was Wilma.
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flooding forecast track hurricane season 2015 national hurricane center rain tropical storm ana wind