Major Flooding Continues!

Flooding has been widespread across many parts of the Midwest and southeast this December and will likely persist into January as more rounds of heavy rain target the region. There has been over a foot of rain in just the past week based on radar estimates and rain gauges. I was able to go out and witness some flooding of the Yellow River which is east of Atlanta, Ga. Check out the video below! Sadly flooding in Missouri has claimed at least 22 lives.
Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon has declared a State of Emergency and The National Guard has been activated. There was a serious dam breach in the town of West Alton, MO. In Branson, MO over 100 homes have been evacuated due to rising floodwaters.
It is always a good reminder that if you come up to a flooded roadway to “Turn Around, Don’t Drown”!
NOTE* The Weather Channel contributed to this report
Related Images:
december flash flood flooding mississippi river river floodng southeast flooding Yellow River